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HIMKI-CNFMA Knitting Machinery Technology Cooperation

diskusi rapat kerjasama antara HIMKI dengan CNFMA

JAKARTA-HIMKI.ID: The Indonesian Furniture and Crafts Industry Association (HIMKI) and the China National Forestry Machinery Association (CNFMA) from China are collaborating on machinery technology. From HIMKI led by the General Chair of HIMKI, Abdul Sobur. The Central CNFMA headquartered in Beijing together with the Regional CNFMA Associations from Lunjiao, Sandong, Jeizang, Cingdaw, and Shanghai visited Olympic Furniture Gemilang in Sentul Bogor and Cikembar Sukabumi.

During this visit, Au Bintoro, Owner of Olympic, was present and accompanied the guests. The parties agreed to explore mutually beneficial cooperation.

This visit is part of a series of events for the IFMAC/WOODMAC 2023 woodworking machinery exhibition for furniture and processed wood organized by PT Wakeni. The IFMAC/WOODMAC exhibition took place on 20-23 September at the Jakarta International Expo (JIEXPO), Kemayoran Jakarta. One of the objectives of the visit was to see the engine technology owned by Olympic.

Visiting participants from both HIMKI and CNFMA were able to see the relationship between technological developments and the needs of the furniture industry. The relationship between the furniture industry and machine technology is a symbiotic mutualism, so they can have a positive impact on each other. This relationship, which has a significant impact, can be seen from the context of production and design for the furniture and crafts industry.

Penjelasan dari Ketua Umum HIMKI, Abdul Sobur mengenai pengarih teknologi terhadap industri furniture dan kerajinan

The General Chairperson of HIMKI, Abdul Sobur, said several points regarding the influence of technology, in this case machines, on the furniture and crafts industry, including: First, production efficiency and the level of process precision. Machinery technology provides an impact that is increasingly needed by the furniture industry regarding production issues.

"Machines that are equipped with computer numerical control (CNC) technology, for example, can produce a high level of precision in wood cuts, forming designs that refer to established standards. "This level of precision also continues consistently throughout the production process, thereby minimizing the level of loss to the industry during the process," he said.

Second, design and innovation. Machine technology has expanded the possibilities for furniture design. Designers can experiment with new materials, shapes, and construction methods, knowing that modern machines can execute their ideas with precision. This has led to innovation in furniture design and the creation of pieces that push the boundaries of traditional craftsmanship.

Third, sustainability. Machine technology has also contributed to sustainability efforts in the furniture and crafts industries. Sophisticated machines can optimize material use, reducing waste. Additionally, CNC machines can cut wood more efficiently, potentially reducing the need to clear old-growth forests.

Fourth, skilled labor. Although machines have automated many processes, skilled labor is still very important in the furniture and crafts industries. Craftsmen are needed to program and operate CNC machines, as well as adding finishing touches, assembly, and quality control. Craftsmanship remains an integral part of producing high-end furniture.

In short, explained Sobur, machining technology has changed the furniture and crafts industry by enabling mass production, increasing efficiency and precision, encouraging innovation and customization, contributing to sustainability efforts, and much more.

It is hoped that this visit will open up the attitudes and views of all parties, and also have a positive impact on the development of the national furniture and crafts industry regarding the use of technology that will increase the competitiveness of the industry amidst global competition.

On the other hand, there needs to be continued support from the government in making it easier for industry to adopt the latest machine technology. This support includes financing, ease of credit interest, and the development of an advanced machine technology industry in the country, which of course further encourages spending efficiency in the domestic furniture and crafts industry.

Sobur added, we must realize that the furniture and craft industry in Indonesia has the potential to capture a bigger share of the world market, because it is supported by abundant sources of raw materials, and craftsmanship that is distinctive and of high quality. This potential will be stronger if supported by appropriate machining technology as part of the catalyst for industrial progress.

"No less important, the increasingly advanced creative industry (including the furniture and crafts industry) will also promote and support Indonesia's independence in order to welcome the nation's 100th anniversary in 2045," he said.

The unique value of Indonesian products as a supplier to the global furniture market is rooted in its natural resources, skilled workforce, competitive prices, cultural diversity and sustainable production. Its natural resources are abundant with a variety of wood that is highly sought after in the global furniture market for its durability, beauty and unique characteristics. With its skilled craftsmen, Indonesian-made furniture and crafts are much sought after for their precision and creative designs, in addition to their high quality characteristics and competitive prices which can be better produced with the latest global technology. (MSJ)



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