Polifurneka Business Management Study Program Lecturer, Successfully held PKM with DPD HIMKI Jepara

TRIBUNJATENG.COM, KENDAL - In collaboration with DPD HIMKI Jepara, 11 Lecturers of the Furniture Industry Business Management Study Program (MBIF), Furniture and Wood Processing Industry Polytechnic (Polifurneka) carried out Community Service (PKM) activities, located at the District Industry and Trade Service Office Jepara, Monday (9/10).
Furniture industry players in Jepara are very enthusiastic about taking part in the joint PKM activities which will be held from 9 - 11 September 2023. It is recorded that this PKM activity was attended by 41 Furniture Industries members of the DPD HIMKI Jepara.
This PKM activity was officially opened by the Director of the Furniture and Wood Processing Industry Polytechnic Peni Shoffiyati, Acting Secretary of the Jepara Regency Industry and Trade Service, Himawan Muttaqin Prasojo. & Chairman of DPD HIMKI Jepara Antonius Suhandoyo.
In his remarks, the Acting Secretary of the Jepara Regency Industry and Trade Department, said that collaboration between the Regional Government, Universities and Industrial Associations was very helpful in the regional government's tasks in developing furniture industry players in Jepara.
"Collaboration like this is very important to continue," he said.
In line with Himawan, Handoyo, Chairman of the DPD HIMKI Jepara, said that the DPD HIMKI Jepara is concerned with advancing the furniture industry in Jepara through training activities to increase knowledge, skills and holding international exhibitions.
Handoyo explained further. PKM Polifurneka's collaboration with HIMKI received a positive response from the furniture industry. As the furniture industry develops, the challenges faced by the furniture industry are increasing, so a quality management system must begin to be implemented by furniture industry players in Jepara.
"In the MBIF Study Program PKM activities in Jepara, we held two activities, namely ISO 9001:2015 Document Preparation Training and Product Branding Training to Support Marketing Strategies for Furniture Industry Players," said Peni Shoffiyati as Director of the Furniture and Wood Processing Industry Polytechnic.
The furniture industry needs to implement ISO 9001:2015 to increase product sales value; increase protection for consumers, business actors, workers and other communities for safety, security, health and preservation of environmental functions; assess and test a product owned by a business actor or trademark owner; help smooth security and trade both domestically and internationally; realizing healthy business competition in trade; demands for economic development and a smooth business climate.
"It is hoped that through the Knowledge Training and Preparation of ISO 9001.2015 Documents, awareness of furniture entrepreneurs in Jepara about the importance of implementing ISO 9001.2015 to increase global trust in Jepara furniture products will be successfully instilled in every furniture entrepreneur who is a member of the HIMKI Jepara Furniture Industry Association," continued Peni.
The government is targeting exports of furniture and crafts worth USD5 billion by the end of 2024, meaning that based on export realization from 2021 to 2024, growth of at least 13.4 percent per year is needed.
Exports of furniture and craft products in 2022 will amount to USD3.5 billion. In order to increase the export value, of course it is also necessary to improve the quality of the furniture products produced, as well as implementing appropriate marketing methods so that the products can be known throughout Indonesia and abroad.
In facing global competition, the quality of the products produced by companies needs to be considered because currently consumer awareness regarding product quality is increasing.
"Companies must understand the requirements contained in ISO 9001:2015 and know how to implement them, and be able to stick to the system that has been implemented so that these requirements can continue to be met," said Abdul Aziz, an industry practitioner who was invited to share his experiences in this PKM activity.
ISO 9001:2015 is used to ensure that the company has carried out supervision and guarantees on all operational activities that will affect the quality of the products provided.
According to the International Organization for Standardization, a quality management system is a company's way of controlling interconnected activities (both directly and indirectly) to achieve desired results. The aim is to convince consumers that the products produced by the company are able to meet the buyers' requirements. (*)
Penulis: hermawan Endra | Editor: muslimah