Central Representative Council (DPP)
Dewan Pimpinan Pusat (DPP) HIMKI
The Central Leadership Council is an organizational apparatus at the national level whose duties are as policy makers and implementers of organizational work programs that have been determined and determined by the National Conference / Extraordinary National Conference.
The duties and responsibilities of the Central Leadership Council are as follows:
Implement all the results of the National Conference decisions.
Determine the organization's general policies in accordance with the organization's Principles and Articles of Association/Bylaws.
Determine/organize the agenda for the National Conference.
Responsible to the National Conference.
Has the authority to form, regulate and dissolve organizational equipment formed by the Central Leadership Council which includes the Advisory Board, Expert Council, Executive Board and Special Task Forces of the organization
Board of Advisors

Au Bintoro
Board of Advisor

Prof. Emeritus Imam Buchori Zainuddin
Board of Advisor

Ir. Soenoto
Chairman of Board Advisor

Benny Soetrisno
Board of Advisor

Tony Sukandar
Board of Advisor

Board of Advisor

Wiradadi Soeprayogo
Board of Advisor

Herry Setianto
Board of Advisor

Board of Advisor

Board of Advisor
Board of Experts

Adhi Nugraha
Board of Experts for Design

Peter S. Tjioe
Board of Experts for Innovation

Aron Yongky
Board of Experts for Raw Materials

Albertus Kuswidiarso
Board of Experts for Production

Prof. Dr. Ir. Dede Hermawan, Msc.
Board of Experts for Research and Material Technology

Regina Kindangen
Board of Experts for Entrepreneurship

Aryan Warga Dalam
Board of Experts for Industrial Regulation
Lintong Manurung
Board of Experts for Trading Regulation

Basuki Kurniawan
Board of Experts for Promotion and Marketing

Yakub Firdaus
Board of Experts for Small and Medium Enterprise

Edy Saputra
Board of Experts for Finance

Abdul Sobur
Organization and Inter-Agency Relation

Abdul Kholiq
Head of National Inter-Agency

Shofi Afifi
Deputy Head of National Inter-Agency

Heru Prasetyo
Vice Chairman of Organization and Inter-Agency Relation

Ryan Hermawan
Head of Organization

Deputy Head of Organization

Marthunus Fahrizal
Head of International Inter-Institutional Relations

Mahfirotika Wahyu W
Deputy Head of International Inter-Institutional Relation

Cecilia Tan
​HIMKI Representative in China
Supporting and Innovation Materials

Doddik Sulistiono
Head of Solid Wood Materials

Adi Dharma Santoso
Vice Chairman of Supporting and Innovation Materials

Ihda Fuad Adikusuma
Head of Wood Engineering

Head of Rattan Materials

Iwan Sung
Head of Bamboo and Natural Fiber Materials

Doni Fahrin
Head of Metal and Synthetic Materials

Setiawati Noor Arifah
Head of Supporting Materials
Production and Human Resources

Antonius Suhandoyo
Vice Chairman of Production and Human Resources

Glenn Candranegara
Head of Technology Engineering and Standardization of Processes Production

Alief Taufiqurrahman
Head of Human Resources Competency Standardization and Certification

Head of Product Standardization and Certification
Design and Innovation Development

Vice Chairman of Design and Innovation Development

Abie Abdillah
Head of Furniture Design Development

Nor Jayadi
Deputy Head of Furniture Design Development

Head of Craft Design Development

Erry Mahardika
Deputy Head of Craft Design Development
Promotion and Marketing

Rudy Hartono
Head of Promotion and Marketing for America Region

Indah P. Dalles
Head of Promotion and Marketing for European Region

Djujuk Aryati
Vice Chairman of Promotion and Marketing

Head of Promotion and Marketing for United Kingdom Region

Luqi Hermawanti
Head of Promotion and Marketing for Middle East and Africa Region

Iman Rahman
Head of Promotion and Marketing for Asia Region

Ari Hartini
Head of Promotion and Marketing for Australia Region

Roy Anugrah
Head of Promotion for Domestic Region

Rani Permatasari
Deputy Head of Promotion for Domestic Region

Ponco Suhirno
Head of E-Commerce Marketing

Agung Setyo
Deputy Head of E-Commerce Marketing
Regulation, Advocation, and Logistic

Herlina Lee
Vice Chairman of Regulation, Advocation, and Logistic

Dodong Budianto
Head of Regulation

Head of Advocation

Sri Rahayu
Head of Logistic
Small Medium Enterprise Development and Entrepreneurship

Bambang Wijaya
Vice Chairman of Small Medium Enterprise Development and Entrepreneurship

Christian Prabawa
Head of Medium to Large Industry Development

M. Hidjrah Saputra
Deputy Head of Medium to Large Industry Development

Kimpling Sukarsa
Head of Small Industry Development

Mirza Kurniawan
Deputy Head of Small Industry Development

Tjut Diah Meulany
Head of Treasury

Veronika R. Anggraini
Vice Chairman of Finance

Asep Kurniawan
​Head of Fundraising
Secretary General

Iyan Rahadian Sunardi
Vice Secretary General I

Maskur Zaenuri
Secretary General

Anton Dwinanto
Vice Secretary General II

Syahrizal Mustafa
Vice Secretary General III
Executive Board

Shofiyudin Aziz
DPD & General Data & Information Management Staff

Fithria Abdullah
Public Relations

Syaiful Bahri
executive director

Maulana S Jaelani
Inter-Agency Relations & News Staff

Rommy Kartiwa
International Relations & Data Analysis Staff


Gita Asmalda Patty
General Administration & Finance Staff

Naufal Hilmy Yudistiya Putra
Media & Information Staff
Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) HIMKI
The Regional Leadership Council is an organizational apparatus at the regional level which functions as an extension of the Central Leadership Council with its members in implementing the organization's policies and work programs at the regional level which have been determined in the outline of the Organization's work program and/or by the Central Leadership Council.
The Regional Leadership Council handles typical problems that arise in the region and provides advocacy and consultation assistance for members who are facing problems in their efforts
Chairman of the DPD HIMKI

Edmund Parengkuan
DKI Jabodetabek

Anton Dwinanto
Bandung Raya

Edy Sugiarto
Cirebon Raya

Albertus Kuswidiarso
Semarang Raya

​Hendra Sasmita
Jepara Raya

Solo Raya

Ruslamaji Dwi Putranto
D.I. Yogyakarta

​Yehezkiel Suprianto
Sleman Raya

Peter S. Tjioe
Ketua Presidium DPD HIMKI Jawa Timur

Hani Duarsa

Yusuf Sugilar Adang

Andre Kee
Sumatra Utara

Alvin Prayudhi
Sumatra Selatan

Sri Maria Ningsih
Kalimantan Selatan

Umar Tarip
Nusa Tenggara Barat

Sandi Mohammad ZD
Sulawesi Tengah

Fahmi Ramadhana

Maman Mustarom